We have a baby!

Discover our baby girl, who just saw the light!

Thursday, at 22:45, Mirabelle has lost waters. We went then to the hospital. She had some contractions, but the cervix’s dilatation had not begun yet. So we had to wait…

On Friday morning, the doctor tells us that the birth will probably not happen until the next day and would, in this case, be provocated 🙁 Mirabelle and I were a little upset by this news. The fatigue was beginning seriously and the perspective to continue like this for more than 24 hours was not the best one…

At 18:00, the cervix was dilated to 5 cm. Then everything happened very fast, and the work of “expulsion” naturally started at 19:00, thankfully without the need to provoke it!

During labor, I felt great pride and gratitude to the courage of Mirabelle, who really suffered to “offer us” this baby!

At 19:54, Odrey was born! She weighed 3,170 kg and measured 48 cm.

A few hours later, the doctor has made “routine tests” before giving us permission to go home and, thus, achieve our desire of outpatient childbirth.

We arrived at home on Saturday morning, with a baby girl who was only a couple of hours old 😉



A happy mother!



A very proud Daddy ;o)

The baby behaves very well and the mom too 😀

Stay tuned for more news and photos!


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